Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Way Back WHEN~esday

July, 2005
The bike came through our town. They offered to let Chris sit on it, but he didn't. I think he was scared to scratch it or something.


Cheryl Lage said...

Holy cow! Check that thing out!
(I can understand his apprehension!)

Thanks so much for playing Way Back When-esday!

Deanna said...

that bike is amazing.... we went and saw all of the bikes when they were here in 2003!!

debi9kids said...

OMGosh! Just look at Chris! he looks so young & different!
And, that bike! WOW!!!
ps can't wait to see you tomorrow!!!

Jenn H said...

That is one awesome bike, wow!!! I'd be afraid of scratching it too! Looks like you all had a great time in Myrtle Beach, so jealous, I want a vacation :)