Tuesday, October 21, 2008

It's All About Tuesday

Tuesday was admitted back into the hospital yesterday to start her 5th (of 6) rounds of chemo. Her mom is asking for prayers. Make sure you go over and let them know you are saying prayers for Little Tuesday!

Also, Debi at Who Says Eight is Enough Gives Back is sponsoring a fund raiser for Tuesday. Here is what she has posted on her blog, I have also added a button on the right bar of my blog to place you order.

Her blog reads as follows:

From today, October 20th, until November 17th I will be hosting a Discovery Toy party to benefit little Tuesday's fight against Neuroblastoma. Please take some time to view her family's blog, Go Blog Yourself, so that you understand why I felt compelled to help them out.
Then, please use this link to view all the great things that Discovery Toys has to offer:
Please DO NOT place your order online.
If you do, the purchases will NOT be credited to this party :(I have attached a copy of the order form here and all you have to do is click on it to increase the size and then save it to your computer. Then, you can fill it out and then send your order form to Barb (from Tale of Two Twinkies, she is a DT consultant).
This is her business email address: dtoys_barb@comcast.net
Barb will then add the shipping costs and taxes if applicable. She will also work out how you are paying. You can either pay her direct via credit card, or you can send your payments to me through Paypal or Revolution Money Exchange. Might I also suggest that you combine orders with friends, as the shipping tends to be a bit high due to the fact that everything is being shipped separately and not to our hostess, Miss Tuesday.
Please feel free to email Barb or I with any questions. (my email address is on my profile)
Now, on to the fun stuff....Discovery Toys has some really GREAT educational toys! And, I would personally like to suggest a few items that I have bought in the past.
My ALL-TIME FAVORITE items I have bought:
Sounds Like Fun CD Item #1850 $12.99
I have had this CD since David was a baby. I have played it every single night in my kids' rooms when they go to bed since 1995. I can sing the songs forward & backward & in my sleep, but I will be the first to tell you that EVERY one of my kids has learned phonics from this CD by the time they were 3yrs old, known their days of the week, months of the year and even learned Spanish. And, I am VERY proud to say that both Emma & Will can sing the phonics song and count to 100 by tens!
If you buy nothing else, BUY this!
Hide Inside Item #1195 $24.99
I have had one of these for years and years. It is just great for babies from 2 months to 3 years old. Obviously, my babies always started out just chewing on the different textured toys, but as my kiddies get older, they play "find the____" , etc.
It's very versitle and machine washable.

Wiz Kidz Item #4246 $9.99
As many of you might be aware, I have homeschooled my kids and I bought these for a fun activity to play with them. It really requires them to use their imaginations and have fun at the same time. (it also would be a fun activity for car rides on long trips,or even as a conversation starter at the dinnr table)
We LOVE playing this!Obviously, there are MANY other items from Discovery Toys, but these are on the top of my MUST HAVE list.
PLEASE, have fun and try to remember why you are shopping.... Tuesday and her family.

Once the party is through, Tuesday's parents will get to pick out lots and lots of fabulous toys for their children for the holiday season, at no cost to them!
Wouldn't you love to be able to say that you helped to make their Christmas a little brighter?And, as an added bonus, one lucky person who makes a purchase will be randomly drawn to win a new copy of Facing The Giants. It's one of my favorite inspirational movies, whose message tells us that nothing is impossible with God.
It's message has changed my life and I truly believe that NOTHING is impossible with God on your side and Tuesday is living proof.

1 comment:

debi9kids said...

Thanks for posting Terri!