Men are certainly not known for their ability to handle loads of pain, I am no exception in this area. There have been many new experiences, most that I have dreaded! The support of my family and freinds have helped me through most of the stress. Thanks first to Mimi for insisting that I have a routine check up to find this little bugger (no symptoms). Having all the best wishes and special hugs and kisses from my grandkids have kept me thinking of everything but my surgery. Having a nurse at my side is a blessing. Erin keeps me in line when I start to think of what is the next phase of treatment or recovery. Scott and Terri decided to give me a very special angel visit to really snap me out of my funk. Delaney was my good luck charm since all systems started to function once she was at my side. It was nice to spend this time together and it made the time pass quickly. I miss Chris, Jess and the boys not being able to visit but Delaney brought love from All.
I am feeling much better and I know it 'tis ' due to the Love of my family.
Thanks to all for the get well wishes and to Terri for the opportunity to share this great visit with everybody.
LOVE Poppy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here are some pictures of Scott and Delaney's visit!
Delaney was excited to see Little Madeline
Sunday afternoon bowling/arcade (but certainly Poppy didn't try to bowl)
Having lunch at the girl's school
Uncle Scott and Maddie
A little pool to finish the trip tonight
I am so glad you were able to enjoy your visit! You guys are meant he world to us! Hope you have a speedy recovery. And we won't hold you to your promise to make it down for St. Patrick's Day! Love you, Poppy!
Hey there! I am a good friend of Terri's! Just wanted to say I am glad you had a great trip and I hope you feel better soon!
So glad Tom is now "functioning". Thank God!
Miss D cerainly is a luck charm!
Glad Scott and Delaney were able to come out and bring you some cheer
Safe travel home tomorrow Scott.
So glad you are feeling better--
Poppy - you are a great guest blogger. I hope you are really much much better soon.
You are in my thoughts and prayers. Hang in there. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help. I'm sending a big ((HUG)) your way.
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