Sunday, March 15, 2009

My Dear Friend!

Jess, Tuesday's mommy, wrote an absolutely beautiful post. Please go by and let her know that you are thinking about them.


angi_b72 said...

Welcome to SITS!! You will love this bloggy community!

Carma Sez said...

Wanted to stop by to say "hi" and welcome to SITS. I know that you will enjoy being part of this group of inspirational and supportive women bloggers :-)

Frizzy said...

She is such a strong woman! She writes her feelings so well. She needs to write a book or have her blog published!

Christy said...

She is truly amazing! I feel so humbled just knowing her...

Anonymous said...

She is such a strong and amazing woman! I admire her for everything that she is....

And I LOVE your new layout! How cute!!! Did you do it yourself?

Unknown said...

saw that the other day. I don't know how she does it...she writes so eloquently. I don't think I could even get words out of me if I were in her shoes.

On a totally unrelated matter - love the look/header on your blog. :-)

Ann On and On... said...

We are all better for knowing her....

Super cute header!

Stopped by to welcome you to SITS and invite you to be a part of my giveaway. Check it out if you have some time. said...

Thanks for letting us know...I'll go check it out! I followed Tuesday's story and cried & prayed for them on a daily basis toward the end...such a sweet girl.
Wanted to welcome you to SITS, we have a good time...I think you'll like it! Chat soon & HAPPY ST. PATTY'S DAY! Looks like you'd appreciate it, tee hee.

StampinMom :-)

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

i read the post and i am just blown away by their powerful spirits. you have a beautiful family!

i am stopping by to welcome you to SITS, we are thrilled to have you join us!

Sugar Boogers & Tantrums said...

yes it's beautiful. She is amazing