Thursday, May 14, 2009

I scream, you scream, we all scream

They heard it in the distance. The kids ran inside screaming "The ice cream truck, the ice cream truck! It's coming, it's coming. ICE CREAAAAAAMMM!!" So outside we went. Money in hand. Waiting....and waiting...and waiting....hearing it in the distance, but still not seeing it (our neighborhood is pretty big). Waiting for what seemed like eternity!

When it comes...QUICK!...I want to be the first in line....

Even the adults felt the need to rush in(even if it meant knocking the little ones out of the way).

Sean and Owen both got push up. They were yummy.

Delaney got a SpongBob popsicle.

And this is the damage that Owen has done. YUMMY!!

Doesn't it make you just wanna hug him?


Jamie said...

Your ice cream truck looks a whole lot more. . . .umm, how to put it nicely. . . .in better repair? than the ones around here! lol We get some really run down creepy looking trucks trying to do ice cream around here!

Your kids look like they REALLY enjoyed their icecream!!!

Anonymous said...

I'll take a hug anytime from Owen!

Anonymous said...

Granny forgot to sign her message above to Owen!

cat said...

Oh summer time! Wish we were there :(

Poppy and Mimi said...

Money Magazine might frown on the initiation of this summer tradition but it does make some great memories!! That is a group of million dollar smiles. Can't wait to see them next week. Get the hugs ready.

Leia said...

how fun! I wish our ice cream truck was that cute looking. Ethan woke up frm his nap the other day after hearing it and was crying because the ice cream truck didnt stop.

debi9kids said...

LOL! I had to blow up the picture to be sure that wasn't Scott running for the truck. hahahah

of course i would give Sir Owne a nice big hug :)

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness...who stole your babies and gave you such big boys instead?!?!?

Unknown said...

Cracking up at adult running for the truck and Owen's red face and shirt! Must've been good!