Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Ice Cream Truck Of Another Kind

Saturday, while we had a few friends over (don't worry, pictures of that are coming soon), we noticed a HUGE furniture truck riding around the block. Someone had ordered a TON of Thomasville Furniture! Just minutes later he came walking around the corner. The Ice Cream man furniture truck driver. Seems an Interior Designer in the area had order the furniture to stage a home and didn't have the money to pay for it. They had gotten a permit at the town hall to basically go door to door to sell the furniture at 1/3 of the price! AMAZING DEALS!! Found a couple chairs I LOVED! Only wish I had somewhere to put them and/or the $$$ to buy them!

Doesn't it look a lot like this picture that I posted earlier?


cat said...

What? They did that! Recession related?

Colleen said...

It's like the ice cream truck for Moms! How cool :)

Poppy and Mimi said...

No one would believe how excited all the "moms" were when they heard of the furniture truck !! I was surprised that there weren't any sales ?? What restraint..

debi9kids said...

Oh wow! That is just crazy! Thomasville is awesome furniture too! WOW!

Sharlene said...

Wow! Thats so cool!

Jamie said...

HA HA HA! The pictures DO look alike! Mommy's icecream truck huh? I would LOVE for something like that to come through here!

Unknown said...

That's unbelievable that they got stiffed like that. Wow...that would be so painful for me to see that great sale and not be able to afford anything. I'm proud of you!!