Friday, July 10, 2009

Dinner at the Park

During our Park day, we had dinner catered at the park (once again, Thanks VADA). The dinner wasn't all that great, but there was a guy from Zoo America there with some furry little friends. I really wanted to take time out to go there (Zoo America), but it never fit into the schedule.

Some sort of Lizard (sorry, I don't remember the correct species).

The Alligator (Go Gators)

(look how fast that tail was whipping)

A screech Owl (my favorite)

The "birdie" was also Owen's favorite
and you can see Delaney's hand was up, she had a question!

A very scary and yucky looking tarantula

A skunk ~~ which, by the way, he said this one was litter box trained and that they make good pets and long as you "de-stink" them. Some~one else can test this out and let me know. K?

Read about
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4


Tamara Mitchell said...

My kids would LOVE all those animals and "Creatures"...I on the other hand would only enjoy the "lovely" animals :-)

Cindy @ Marriedtothemilitary {dot} net said...

looks like you all are having a blast!

debi9kids said...

How fun! I'll be sure to get a skunk and let you know. NOT!