Friday, September 18, 2009

Happy 13th Birthday, Jess

Looking back a bit!

Her first Christmas!

6 months

Second Grade


Frizzy said...

Where on earth does the time go? She's beautiful. Happy 13th Birthday sweetie.

Angela & Albert Fontenot said...

OMG Terri! Her 2nd grade pic looks just like YOU!
Happy birthday Jess! Have fun being a teenager!

debi9kids said...

What a GORGEOUS baby! (you really do grow 'em cute!)

Happy 13th Jess!!!

cat said...

Oh gosh, 13 already! Congratulations!

Poppy and Mimi said...

I have never seen those beautiful baby photos of Jess!! She is so adorable and now a "teenager". Her smile has always been her signature weapon... One look and you just want to give her anything she wants.

Love Poppy